For the 2023 夏天 programs 和 fall 2023 semester, 学院制定了以下指导方针,以尽量减少COVID-19的影响.
- 接种疫苗: In the 2023 夏天 & 秋季学期,所有学生和教师都需要接种疫苗 & 工作人员. Beginning in the fall 2023 semester, 建议(但不要求)教职员工接种COVID疫苗.
- 如果个人接受了以下任何一种疫苗接种,则被认为符合学院的COVID疫苗接种政策:
- 原单价疫苗两剂加一剂加强疫苗(单价或二价),或:
- 单剂更新的辉瑞- biontech或Moderna COVID-19双价疫苗.
- 如果个人接受了以下任何一种疫苗接种,则被认为符合学院的COVID疫苗接种政策:
- 掩蔽指南: The College currently maintains a "mask-optional" policy, 这意味着每个人都可以也应该对是否戴口罩做出个人选择.
- Self-监控 health: 学生和员工在与他人互动之前,应每天监测自己的健康状况,如果生病就呆在家里.
- 学生 who are experiencing COVID-19症状 should not go to class. 相反,他们应该预约斯特劳奇家庭学生中心的健康服务. Appointments are required 和 can be made by emailing (电子邮件保护) or by calling (802) 387-1636.
- 员工 who are experiencing COVID-19症状 should not come to campus; however, they should call their healthcare provider for further guidance, 和 then contact their direct supervisor 和 Human Resources.
- Isolation for positive cases: COVID-19检测呈阳性的学生将被要求在校园内隔离. 员工 who test positive for COVID-19 should isolate at home.