*Classes will be held on Friday and residence halls will close at noon on Saturday the 29th.
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你在Landmark College的暑假收获了什么
我们的暑期大学准备计划, 面向即将上大学的高中毕业生, is all about preparation—through practice and exposure—for that crucial first semester of college. 这也是关于 了解从高中生到大学生角色的转变. Even the most high-achieving students often face unanticipated difficulties in their first semester of college possibly putting them at risk for failure or struggle. 问题往往不是由于缺乏学术能力而产生的, 而是从大学环境中所要求的独立性的巨大飞跃.
Students are immersed in a living/learning experience that offers a real “taste” of college life and the college-level work they will encounter in the fall. 他们对自己的学习优势和需求有了清晰的认识, 并发现资源和自我宣传如何帮助他们在大学取得成功. This preview of college life can help to alleviate anxiety and foster the confidence needed as students encounter the new demands of college.
- 学会阐明需要注意的个人学习问题
- Identify the specific supports and accommodations they’ll need in college—and how to access them
- 体验一门典型的大学水平的入门课
- Learn and practice self-advocacy skills they’ll need to navigate through their freshman year
- 运用组织能力, 有用的习惯, and useful behaviors needed to succeed at college—and identify problem habits and behaviors that might surface during their first year
- 开始…的过程 从青春期过渡到年轻的成年人
Students who struggle with social anxiety and have difficulty making friends have the option of participating in social support 活动, 包括社会实践研讨会和学生事务活动. Resident assistants are available as peer mentors to provide information about 活动 and to help students feel connected to the Landmark community.
2024年夏季新品 Through experiential programming students will begin to understand and embrace their transition from adolescence to emerging adulthood. Students will gain interpersonal and practical skills while exploring their own values and designing a service project to bring change to a community they care about.
- Programming will introduce students to the Rite of Passage (RoP) framework and mindset, 并且会促进技能的发展, 通过开发可执行的服务项目.
- Advising meetings and academic courses will introduce fundamental skills and ideas that will support and supplement work on the RoP service project.
- The co-curricular programming will further support student by reinforcing associated skills and strategies to building off the lessons used elsewhere in addition to regular living and learning skills delivered as part of the 住宅 curriculum.
注意:为了进入这个项目, 学生必须提供四年制学院或大学的录取通知书. 诊断的学习障碍不需要参加这个项目.
经济援助是可用的,并在接受后颁发. 经济援助申请以先到先得的方式进行审查. 我们鼓励家长提交一份 申请经济资助 早期.